- Jan 13, 2021
What do I mean by the title, you ask. Like, simple, Google 'windows 10', click the first result, change user agent of the browser to some other OS, Microsoft will finally let you download an ISO, download the ISO, use Rufus to burn it into some USB drive and install off that, right? Well, not exactly. I mean, that's fine, but what to do when you have multiple computers to install on? For example, I have a desktop at home, a workstation at work, and a laptop. I basically need the same setup on all of them, and that includes the same settings, plus quite a few programs.
- Jan 1, 2021
A few words about what my plans regarding this web site and in general are for 2021.
- Dec 14, 2020
I have recently rethought my choices regarding the applications I use on a day to day basis. So, I have now officially walked away from Chromium-based forks into the truly libre Mozilla territory. To be honest, Firefox is really great, providing much better font rendering when compared to Chromium (yet still a bit worse than Internet Explorer!), and amazingly, it still even includes a functional menu bar so you are not forced to deal with the one-menu-to-rule-them-all approach of the hamburger button. The problem is, it kind of ruins the design, because it is drawn at the very top of the window. I don't want to enable the window manager's title bar, because that way I lose Fitt's Law benefits when the window is maximized and can quickly switch tabs. This article shows a potential solution, which invloves injecting custom CSS and JavaScript in Firefox's chrome.
- Dec 8, 2020
Lately, Microsoft has been pushing a new implementation for the way portable computers sleep: instead of the traditional, *deep*, offline sleep, the so-called *modern standby* promises that compatible devices will be able to enter/exit sleep more quickly, and be able to wake up from sleep and notify users for mails etc. In reality, as is usual these days, on some machines, the implementation is lacking, providing only downsides and no real benefit. You'd think disabling the newer method should be easy, but since we are talking about Microsoft here, of course it is not. This article shows the general method, customized for the newish Lenovo Yoga (IdeaPad) Slim 7.
- Dec 2, 2020
Disqus allows site administrators to prevent the embed module from storing tracking cookies on the visitors' devices. That's all good, except I don't really get the point.
- Dec 1, 2020
homepi+ is an Arduino based implementation of a home appliance control system. It interfaces and communicates with various hardware devices in order to provide a single point of control for all of them. It is used to control all the electric and electronic equipment in my study room, from light fixtures to computers and laptops. The user interacts with the service using a simple web application which is accessible from any device which has a web browser, so pretty much any modern smart device, and can control it not only from the local network, but also from the larger Internet using a robust and secure security mechanism.
- Sep 7, 2020
If you use the light system theme in Windows 10, command windows usually have a dark background with a white titlebar, which totally kills your eyes no matter the time of the day. This articles shows you how to determine a binary patch for the system file responsible for this.
- Sep 6, 2020
In Windows 10, the Task Manager is blurry when show on secondary monitors if they have a different DPI from the primary monitor. This article shows you how to fix that.